Australia rejects claims of increase inWaqas Qureshi May 29, 2014 extracted from packagingnews The Australian government has rebuffed claims by tobacco manufacturers that the introduction of plain-packaging laws has sparked an increase in smuggling With Australia set to defend its plain packaging laws against a World Trade Organisation challenge, tobacco manufacturers claim trafficking in Australia is reaching record highs.
What Will Become of the Paper Book?The change has come more slowly to books than it came to music or to business correspondence, but by now it feels inevitable. The digital era is upon us. The Twilights and Freedoms of 2025 will be consumed primarily as e-books. In many ways, this is good news. Books will become cheaper and more easily accessible. Hypertext, embedded video, and other undreamt-of technologies will give rise to new poetic, rhetorical, and narrative possibilities. But a literary culture that has defined itself through paper books for centuries will surely feel the loss as they pass away.
The Future of BooksJason Epstein worked in book publishing for more than 40 years. He was editorial director of Random House and founded Anchor Books, the New York Review of Books, the Library of America, and the Readers Catalog. Now in retirement, he wants to digitally reconstruct publishing, as digitization is re-creating the music industry.